Robert Smart Co. التطبيقات

Flashlight for adventure 2
Robert Smart Co.
Flash light Adventure app is an excellent tooleasy to use, contains bright LED flashlight, help or Morse CodeLearning, Disco with flashing lights to brighten the night, Nightvision for use with Telescope,compass, Use the background that youlike, Raindrops, Blue, Pink and more. will have a great experiencewith that tool
Vocals and lyrics for children 1.0
Robert Smart Co.
This new game, help them identify their babiesthe basics, such as vowels, numbers, letters, Geometric Figures,Pets & Wild.   The games contain very beautiful landscapes,iterative sounds for each object, background music and medal awardsper level.   All consist of a finger pressing the requiredindication, while the objects are kept in motion.   Each game contains several levels identifiedby medals and by moving new items and more will be added to finallyget a trophy.   Children will be entertained memory andacquire skills. While parents help them make the request.   Games contain the first steps that childrenneed for their education. Children over three (3) years.1. Members2. Letters (Alphabet).3. Numbers.4. Figures geometries.5. And Animals.   It contains games with chalkboard vocal,number and letters.   All levels are open to play as you wish.    Ads containing at least one leaving.   The game can even help adults starting with anew language, Spanish or English.   Example of use ..   The game animals:   By identifying the animal this will be presentedin a dialogue, his image will movements and sounds of the animal,helping the child to familiarize Animal picture and sound ...   The game of letters and vowels containsseveral types of letters (uppercase, lowercase, and italics) youcan select a button  They have a nice experience with this iterativegame.  Remember that your opinion is important to us, so wecan shape the game to your liking.
El ahorcado feliz 1.0
Robert Smart Co.
Dividirte y disfruta al instalar El AhorcadoFeliz!¡Aumenta tu vocabulario en diversos temas!Descubre una hermosa modelo mientras adivinas o horcate mientrasfallas, Busca ganar el trofeo final.Para las damas hay hermosos modelos.Este juego cuenta con imágenes hermosas y sonidos atractivos,cuenta con una ayuda para cada palabra, lo cual te llevara a saberel significado con lo que aumentaras tu cultura.Tiene cinco vidas al inicio y podrás ganar una vida cadapantalla.El juego siempre queda guardado en el momento que decidas salir,y podrás continuar donde lo dejaste, lo hace por cada categoría queelijas.Divide yourself and enjoyinstalling Hangman Happy!Increase your vocabulary in various topics!Discover a beautiful model or horcate while guess as failures,Looking win the ultimate trophy.For the ladies there are beautiful models.This game features beautiful images and sounds attractive, ithas a support for each word, which will take you to know themeaning thereby increase your culture.You have five lives at the start and you could win a life eachscreen.The game is always saved when you decide to leave, and you cancontinue where you left off, it does so for each category youchoose.
Chistes Cortos y rojos 1.0
Robert Smart Co.
Diviértase junto a sus amigos con Milesdechistes agrupados en categorías.• Chistes de todo color, subidos de tono, adivinanzas,paraadultos y niños.• Organizados en muchas categorías.• Tiene tres personajes que interpretan los chistes yadivinanzajunto a tí (Pedrito, Maria y Jochi).• Contiene las categorías siguientes: Calientes,Borrachos,Gallegos, cuentos de Animales,Adivinanzas, Mal pensados, Amigos, para niños y mucho mas.• Los chistes rojos son bastantes rojos, si eres moralista mejornola descargues.• Puedes compartir los chistes con tus amigos,• Puedes almacenar tus favoritos.• Es totalmente gratis, los anuncios están al mínimo posible.• Música de Fondo.• Espero que la goces.• Recuerda que tus comentarios son importantes paranosotros,gracias.Have fun with yourfriendswith thousands of jokes grouped into categories.• full-color jokes, bawdy, riddles, for adultsandchildren.• Organized in many categories.• It has three characters they play jokes and riddles withyou(Pedrito, Maria and Jochi).• It contains the following categories: Hot, drunkards,Gallegos,animal stories,        Riddles,Malthought, Friends, children and more.• Red jokes are enough red, if you're moralistic better notdownloadit.• You can share jokes with friends,• You can store your favorite.• It is totally free, the ads are to a minimum.• Background music.• I hope the enjoyments.• Remember that your comments are important to us, thanks.
Vocal for Babies 1.0
Robert Smart Co.
This Novel game, help them identify theirtotsto the basics, such as vowels, Numbers, Letters, GeometricFigures,Pets & Wild.The games contain very beautiful scenery, iterative soundsforeach object, background music and awards medals per level.All consist of a finger pressing the required indication,whilethe objects are kept in motion.Each game contains several levels identified for medals and asitprogresses and as many new items are added to finally getatrophy.Children will be entertained and acquire memory skills.Whileparents help them mark the request.Games contain the first steps Children need for theireducation.Children older than three (3) years.1. Members2. Letters (Alphabet).3. Numbers.4. Figures geometries.5. And Animals.The game can even help adults starting with a newlanguage,Spanish or English.Example of use ..The game animals:By identifying the Animal that will be presented in a dialogue,itsimage will movements and sounds of the animal, helping the childtofamiliarize image and sound of the Animal ...The set of letters and vowels contains several types ofletters(uppercase, lowercase and italics) you can select abuttonHave a nice experience with this iterative game.Remember that your opinion is important to us, so we canshapethe game to your liking.
Read and write 1.0
Robert Smart Co.
This new game, help them identify theirchildren basic words to start learning reading and writing.   The games contain various topics, backgroundmusic and awards medals per level. It is to present an image and help the child interactivelywrite the word that describes the image, spells the end and readthe word.     Children can have fun and acquirememory skills. While parents help them make the request.   Games contain the first steps that childrenneed for their education. Children over five (5) years.1. Numbers.2. Animals.3. Fruits and vegetables.4. Sports activities.and more.   The game can even help adults who start with anew language, Spanish or English. French and ten more.   Example of use ..  They have a nice experience with this iterativegame.  Remember that your opinion is important to us, so wecan shape the game to your liking.